Recently returned from a gig in Switzerland, and before that Ios, Greece, she is one of the few DJ's who have had gig's many other countries. One of the best in her country, coming from a very eclectic musical upbringing, which is at the core of her abilities making her one of the most interesting people contemporary Macedonia.
Fani Hristova. Image courtesy of Miss Hristova. |
K.K.W: At what point in your life did you really begin to feel & be drawn to music?
F.H: Music is part of my life since ever. Being raised in a family where music is an everyday thing, I can’t really say that I remember specifically when I was enchanted by the music for the first time. Even if we talk about the music that I play, I would say the same. In my home we listen to Soul and Jazz, so I guess it’s not surprising at all that I chose Hip-Hop.
DJ Fani @ work. Image courtesy of Miss Hristova. |
K.K.W: Hip-hop has spread all over the world, so when did you first start to get into it?
F.H: When I first heard The Fugees, back in 1996, I knew that this is my music! Our family friends from USA visited an they brought me a few tapes, and there it was this single ["Killing me softly"]. And few years after, I got one compilation CD, with some summer hits, and the only song that catch my ear was Nas’ “You can hate me now”. It was clear that I’ll go in that direction.
Modeling for Elena Luka, photo courtesy of Miss Hristova. |
K.K.W: When did you become interested in being a DJ, was there someone or something that made do it?
F.H: With the fact that I already was into Hip-hop, I thought Macedonia missed this kind of music/parties even though it’s true what you said, Hip-hop was already spread all over the world. And I simply tried playing it - and It happened.
K.K.W: Your first gig, what was it like?
F.H: Even though it was my first, I still can put it in my 'Top 3 gigs'. Because it was Monday, and nobody here was making parties Monday. But very soon after I started, the same evening, the word was spread and a lot of people came. And that didn’t happen because of me, but because of the music. Hip-hop, ladies and gentleman.
K.K.W: Given that its probably tough for a female DJ anywhere, what about in Macedonia?
F.H: When I started, I was the only female Hip-hop DJ here. And I never see it as a man’s job, which is still my opinion. It was never tough for me. The only thing that matters here is: you have to really know and love this music, and be sure that you will make people have fun. This is my only rule for these 15 years I’m a DJ. I’m saying to myself: Fani, you are not aloud to go home, before you make the best party!
K.K.W: Have you ever thought of yourself as medium [or vessel] for the music,
like a conduit through which it flows into the people?
F.H: Yes. Like every other person, I have my good and my bad days, but I lock my mood when I’m leaving home. I have to be the medium when I enter in the club.
K.K.W: What were some of your favorite gigs, that you remember?
F.H: As I said my first one. Then the Halloween party in Basel, Switzerland 4 years ago, and my last party in Ios, Greece, this summer. But then it’s not fair to pick just few of them, because I enjoy all of my parties. So many memories…
K.K.W: Traveling for gigs is always tough, and gives you a few stories to tell, do you have any good or bad details to share?
F.H: Yes! Once I met a very nice guy on the plane, we had a nice conversation, he helped me with my luggage… very romantic. And after one month we started a relationship! Then once, coming back from a Red Bull party in Kosovo, they stop me before the border, from the routing control. They took my passport and didn’t want to give me back, because they thought that I am a Go Go dancer. In their perception it was impossible for a DJ to look like that and be so tall and skinny! Then my manager step up and show them my equipment, so they let me go. But I have millions situations…who knows, maybe one day I will put them in a book.
K.K.W: Have you ever considered yourself an example for a modern contemporary Macedonia?
F.H: Of course, but I keep the old school education and family values I have.
DJ Fani @ work. Image courtesy of Miss Hristova. |
K.K.W: I know your seriously into Hip-hop & Rap, so what are some of your favorite albums?
F.H: Having the classical music education, I like the classic music, and also Jazz and Soul. But here are some of my favorite albums;
Notorius B.I.G – Ready to die
Mos Def & Talib Kweli Are Black-Star
Wu tang - Forever
The roots - Phrenology
Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill
Jay Z – The blueprint
Hard @ rest, Fani Hristova. Photo courtesy of Miss Hristova. |
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