Friday, November 4, 2011

Anastazija Manasievska: Q&A

Radost bre!! photo courtesy of the artist.
Anastazija Manasievska. A young woman with fire in her eyes.
Photo courtesy of the artist.
Thought provoking images created through abstract photo-manipulation. However, she's studying Architecture. Power, control, recording moments in time, and a love of the everyday. All things that could be said about Anastazija, and Radost bre!!  

SP:  The photo album "Radost bre!!!", what does this mean and what was it about?

AM: Radost bre, means Happiness. The photos were taken at a party we organised, as a surprise for three of my best friends, who came back home after a three month trip. We were all really excited to see them.

SP: How did you create the look of the photos?

AM: The photos were taken with Nikon D40. The creating of the look was very simple, I just used two or three of them and combined them in Photoshop, using the Overlay and Lighten function. I got the golden sparkly effect from the top I was wearing the night actually. 

SP:  How long have you been a photographer?

AM: I started taking pictures 5 years ago.

SP:  What are some of your influences, as far as art?

AM: I love art in any form. I tend to find inspiration in small, simple things; a moment, a smile, a look... Many artists have had an influence on me and that changes as time goes by. Right now, I'm in love with the work of Benjamin Goss. He's amazing.

Are you working on any projects right now?

AM: Right now, I'm not working on any projects, but that doesn't mean I don't always carry a camera with me. I'm a full time architecture student, so my studies mostly take all of my time. At the moment, photography is just a hobby I love.

SP:  For most photographers there's always usually two or more things they love about the medium. Whats yours?

AM: I love photography because it's personal to me. I love it because in a single moment it stops time. There forever to hold. And the most beautiful part of it is that I don't just see that moment, I see everything I know about the person or place and everything that went before or has gone since. For me, photography always felt like magic

AM: Kerwin, you really surprised me, thank you so much!!! You and your devotion to art is amazing!!!!!!!!
Thanks again so much, this really means a lot to me!!

SP: Anastazija, your very welcome, and thank you. I think the photo's really have something to them. A strange, beautiful graphic feel. Moments and memories frozen in time, that speak of something more. "Its a kind of magic"(Queen)

Would you like to know more?  

Interview by K.K.W  "Art is the reason, art is the way"

Radost bre!!, Photo courtesy of the artist.

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