Sunday, June 1, 2014

Art from Choveche?

On this months cover, Abe Ana Choveche.
Design by K.K.W
From the mind of a Gemini: Art from Choveche? Damn Straight! Curated & with text by K.K.

Often enough, people who are gifted in one area begin to venture towards another, usually as a hobby, only to slowly realize they have immense potential. Though she is know as a musician & Jazz singer, perhaps this immensely interesting young woman just might surprise everyone, starting with herself. 
Untitled #1
On a recent trip to Kosovo for a gig, she created a few abstract images with her smart-phone, that seem to have an intensity, playfulness, with an alluring dark quality. 
Untitled # 2
Untitled #3
There's a sense of living in the moment, of impulsiveness with a touch of control. A love of the light while living on the edge of the darkness. It could be said that there is a somber quality to the images, a creepy touch. However, their full of hope; beacons of light in a sea of unforgiving night. In a way, she's playing Jazz.  
Untitled #4
Untitled #5
It was a little more 2 years ago, when I first saw the images from her ongoing series "Gemini". Right away I liked them. Obviously skillful, full of humor with some pop-culture references, they resonate and speak in silence.  
Gemini #22
Gemini # 1
Many of them show an unabashed intensity, a strange longing, a kind of vulnerability. You can feel a deep need to connect with the self, or perhaps another kindred spirit.   
Gemini # 20
Gemini # 7
There's a fierce quality, a determined strength from a life of triumph's and bittersweet regret's that will never be apologized for. She exists in a world where many are present, though few are invited in. 
Gemini # 24
Yes, there is a sense of self-involvement, Although its sensible and without pretension. The gritty style of the images reflecting aspects of her life, the country she grew-up in, and road she's traveled. 
Gemini # 15
Gemini # 29
Gemini # 6
Gemini # 28
Gemini # 25 with Miki Manojlovic
If you would like to know more, go to: 'Art is the reason, art is the way'.

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