Friday, May 20, 2011

Sonja: Photographic story-telling part 1

When I met up with Sonja on 5/18/11, I figured we just do some test shot's, See how she does in front of the camera. Although this was not her first involvement in photography, it was the first time we were working together. When I got home and looked @ the images, an idea came to me; what if I wrote words for the images? Make a story with only so much info, told from the first persons view. While this is by no means perfect, I like it. With planning, costumes, different locations and other characters(aside from her) perhaps, this would be amazing.     
Caption: [You open your eyes....... but you don't remember the fall.
And then you realize,
you've never seen a woman who looked like this before.]


Caption: [Theres no thought to taking her hand. You just do it.]

-Shes modern, of course,....but her face...
it's...from another time?. Its like I've seen it in a painting
though I can't remember which one. Why do I find that so strange? and alluring?-



-I can't tell which is better, the way she
seems not the least bit bothered by my near constant
gaze, or that wild hair-cut.-





-Never in all my life have I wanted
to touch the back of a woman's head so badly.
I can almost feel the short pointy strands
just beneath my finger tips-



-Tattoo's like a man, a wicked smile,
the graceful neck, the face...
and a hair-cut that gets sexier by the minute-


-She tells me its okay to look, she understands-.
"It happens to us all, the first time".
-I must be mad...her fuckin lips didn't move-

-Today bright,
"What...the fuck! ..happening"?
How can she be so calm?
So very beautiful, so strong-







-The calm sadness in her face almost brings tears to my eyes-
-Her hands are like a young girls,
 soft, but they would hurt you if she wanted them to.
If she was a statue, the MET would kill to own her.-



Caption: [A Modern woman. Proud, strong, yet...
there's that sadness again.]
-Why does she look at me that way now?- 




-Why do men feel so happy when we make them smile-?



A cool breeze off the near empty,
bright street of Houston, and 2nd ave 


-Who is it,  that keeps! texting her?
Is it a woman...or another man?-









-I Should be afraid of her but I'm not. Why the fuck!...does that bother me? Why can't I stop looking at her?- #G2-4419






-She tells me she needs to feed.
And once again,  her delectable lips...didn't move-


-In the blink of an eye she leaps atop the street lamp.
She's dark inhuman.
Then all of a sudden I see her in my mind.- 



-How could a woman like her be real?
Like a wild urban Goddess.
Why have I never seen her till now?-



-She's so elegant I can't stand it....
So powerful that I need her more then the light of the sun.-





-I don't remember leaving the park...
and suddenly I'm afraid of what we
might have done...and to whom.-


-She tells me of the East,
that she was born of the people of the East,
somewhere near the Black sea.-



-I can tell the subject makes her a little sad,
and would die inside then have her sad.
I ache for her happiness.
Mother of God...I sound like a damn poet.
Get a grip man, maintain.- 

-Never have I seen shoulders on a woman so lovely,
so very soft. Is this a dream? am I dreaming wide awake?-




-She smiles, and I'm alive again.-





Caption: [Why deny it any longer...its her heart you feel.
"It beats for you, it bleeds for you.
It knows not how it sounds",
'for it is the drum of is,
the Song of Songs']



-I seek words to find her, but there are none,
I seek her in the light of the dark of night,
in the harrowing streets of New York. I seek her still.-




-What great force hath made those gentle hands?
They seem so.... unreal, its like I'm seeing them for the first time.-



-An now she asks "Do you really want to go
with me into this" ?, "Your happy in the moment,
dreaming, one hundred years from now
 you'll hate me for what I've done to you".
-You know she's right, but part of you wonders.

Oh how you wonder-.

Caption: [Oh god, he looks like he's going to faint. I never liked
the 'mind gift'. Poor thing, it'll be a year before he stops seeing my face].
"Thanks, the hair-cut is a bit of a risk, but sometimes you have to."


-Walking away you turn and look again.
And you can't help but feel 'something' just happened.
The image is already fading,  you begin to feel that 'special' pain inside
but no words come to mind, so you walk away. 

You walk away, it was just a was just..a dream?-

The end.
All Photos by K.K.W: Canon IXY


1 comment:

A Stand Alone Product said...

nice experiment man. I like the super natural skew on things. and some of those photos are spectacular!